Welcome to the NAUFIP project!

The project aims to give a complex analysis of cluster of philosophical concepts and theories falling under the banner of naturalism. During recent decades, naturalism became a dominant philosophical attitude towards the framing of problems of individual philosophical disciplines (e.g., philosophy of science, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of mind, social philosophy ...), as well as in relation to metaphilosophical issues. The main aim of our research is to answer the question, whether philosophical naturalism can fulfill the role of an universal framework for describing and explaning the natural, ethico-social and logico-mathematical phenomena.

A more detailed information about naturalism, its utility, the respects in which it may be seen as problematic, as well as concrete partial goals of our research, can be found in the about section of the web page.

financial and personnel backing

The project is funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency through Contract no. APVV-18-0178.

The project is realized by a team of researchers at the Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava, with Prof. Mgr. Michal Chabada, PhD. figuring as its principal investigator. You can get acquainted with our team of researchers here.

  • Katedra filozofie a dejín filozofie
  • Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
  • Filozofická fakulta
  • Gondova 2, P.O.BOX 32
  • 814 99 Bratislava
  • e-mail: kfdf (at) fphil.uniba.sk

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