This space will contain informations about various publications of members of our research team (e.g., journal articles, monographies, conference presentations ...).
Maco, R. (2023): Pozvanie ku kvantovej teórii poľa pre filozofov. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
Lalíková, E. (2023): Previazanosť literárnej a filozofickej interpretácie naturalizmu (v česko-slovenskom prostredí konca 19. a prvej polovice 20. storočia). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
Buraj, I. (2020): From Naturalism to Politics and from Politics to Naturalism. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava
- M. Nuhlíček – A. Greif – K. Sklutová (eds.) (2022): Naturalistic Worldview: Limits and Challanges. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava.
Special Edition of The Philosophical Journal (Filozofický časopis)
Chabada, M. – Maco, R. (eds.) (2021): Varieties of Naturalism in Contemporary Philosophy. Praha: Filosofia. ISBN 978-80-7007-699-6.
Chabada, M.: Moral Facts as Facts of Life. (10-27)
Szapuová, M.: Quinean Inspiration in Feminist Epistemology: On the Potential Alliance between Naturalism and Feminism. (28-43)
Maco, R.: Naturalism and the Task of Philosophy. (44-61)
Fábiková, A.: Adaptivity and Truth. A Critique of Plantinga’s Reasoning against Evolutionary Reliabilism. (62-74)
Giladi, P.: Prolegomenon to Any Future Critical Responses to Naturalism. (75-94)
Peer Reviewed Articles
Chabada, M. (2023): Selected Metaethical Aspects of Philippa Foot’s Moral Philosophy. Filozofia, 78 (1), 1 – 13.
Chabada, M. (2023): Human Nature as a Source of Moral Normativity: Reflections on the Naturalist Approach in P. Foot’s Work Natural Goodness. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 130 (1), 46 – 60.
Chabada, M. (2021): Natural Moral Virtues According to John Duns Scotus. Filosofický časopis, 69 (2), 347-363.
Nuhlíček, M. (2021): Cooperative Naturalism. Filozofia, 76 (9), 647-660.
Višňovský, E. (2021): Naturalistic Conceptions in Contemporary Neopragmatism. Filozofia, 76 (9), 661-673.
Sklutová, K. (2021): Dennet's Naturalistic Conception of Conscious Experience. Filozofia, 76 (9), 674-687.
Greif, A. (2021): Parfit on Moral Disagreement and The Analogy Between Morality and Mathematics. Filozofia, 76 (9), 688-703.
Chabada, M. (2019): Nature, Will, Virtue: Antinaturalistic Aspects of the Ethics of John Duns Scotus. Pro-Fil, 20 (2), 42–57.
Greif, A. – Šurkala, M. (2020): Compassionate Use of Psychedelics. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 23 (3), 485–496.
Višňovský, E. (2020): Naturalism in American Philosophy and Classical Pragmatism. Filozofia, 75 (9), 734–746.
Chabada, M. (2020): Natural and Moral Good or Evil: the Approach of Philippa Foot. Filozofia, 75 (9), 747–759.
Szapuová, M. – Nuhlíček, M. (2020): Naturalism and Scepticism. Filozofia, 75 (9), 760–775.
Progressive Valuation (Philip Kitcher) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Applied Naturalism? Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics and the Implementation Problem (Martin Hähnel) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
A fundamental dilemma for naturalism (Winfried Löffler) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
In defense of 'hybridism' in addressing the relationship between society and nature. (Ivan Buraj) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Concept of Anthropocene and Return of Naturalism to Political Philosophy (Richard Sťahel) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Pragmatist Conception of Naturalism (Emil Višňovský) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Critique of naturalism in the context of Svätopluk Štúr's work: From humanism to bestiality. (Erika Lalíková) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Metaethical Aspects of Natural Law Theory Accordinf to John Duns Scotus (Michal Chabada) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Morality as Shared Identity (Adam Greif) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Quinean Themes in Epistemology (Mariana Szapuová) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Quine and the Naturalistic Fallacy (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Moral progress from the standpoint of naturalistic ethics (Petra Chudárková) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
The naturalization of individuation in OSR of J. Ladyman (Petr Dvořák) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
What is the function of the illusion of phenomenal consciousness? (Katarína Marcinčinová) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Science Denialism From the Point of View of Individual and Social Epistemology (Filip Tvrdý) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
Naturalism and Eddington's Problem of Two Tables (Róbert Maco) - presentation for the lecture at the conference Naturalism as a Universal Philosophical Program, which took place on May 4th - 5th, 2023 in Bratislava.
From Literary to Philosophical Interpretation of Naturalism (Erika Lalíková) - presentation accompanying the talk given on 24. 1. 2023 at the project workshop "Varieties of Naturalism in the History of Philosophy".
La Mettrie's Naturalism (Dagmar Pichová) - presentation accompanying the talk given on 24. 1. 2023 at the project workshop "Varieties of Naturalism in the History of Philosophy".
Two Models - Two Ways of Construing the Relationship Between Nature and Society (Ivan Buraj) - presentation accompanying the talk given on 11. 11. 2022 at the workshop Society and Nature.
Two Models of Politically Organised Relationship Between Society and Nature: Industrial and Environental Democracy (Richard Sťahel) - presentation accompanying the talk given on 11. 11. 2022 at the workshop Society and Nature.
Human Nature and Morality: According to D. Hume (Mariana Szapuová) - presentation to talk given at the conference Ethical Theories - Unethical Praxis organized by SFZ SAV on 19. - 21. 10 2022 in Stará Lesná.
Ethical Implication of Ilusionist Conception of Consciousness (Katarína Sklutová) - presentation to talk given at the conference Ethical Theories - Unethical Praxis organized by SFZ SAV on 19. - 21. 10 2022 in Stará Lesná.
Morality According to Naturalists (Róbert Maco) - presentation to talk given at the conference Ethical Theories - Unethical Praxis organized by SFZ SAV on 19. - 21. 10 2022 in Stará Lesná.
Natural Law and Some Examples of Its Application - John Duns Scotus (Michal Chabada) - presentation to talk given at the conference Ethical Theories - Unethical Praxis organized by SFZ SAV on 19. - 21. 10 2022 in Stará Lesná.
Inštrumentálna normativita naturalizovanej epistemológie (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation to talk given at the XXVI. Czecho-Slovak Symposium on Analytic Philosophy on 7. - 9. 9. 2022 in Prague.
Non-reductionist Conceptions of Naturalism (Emil Všňovský) - presentation to talk given on may 26th 2022 on the workshop "Pragmatis and Non-reductionist Conceptions of Naturalism".
Pragmatist Conceptions of Naturalism (Paul Giladi) - presentation to talk given on may 26th 2022 on the workshop "Pragmatis and Non-reductionist Conceptions of Naturalism".
Naturalism: A Philosophy For Uncertainty (Róbert Maco) - presentation to talk given at the conference "Philosophical Roads from Uncertainty - Forms of Responsibility" organized by Slovak Philosophical Association on 20. - 22. 10. 2021.
Do Qualia Exist? And Can They Be Used as a Foundation for Ethics of General Artificial Intelligence? (Antonín Dolák) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Companions in Guilt: Ethics and Mathematics (Adam Greif) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Nonreductive Naturalism (Emil Višňovský) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Problems of Ontological Naturalism (Róbert Maco) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Naturalism and Modality (Filip Tvrdý) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
New Challenges of Political Ideology (Ivan Buraj) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
The Interconnectedness of Literary and Philosophical Interpreation of Naturalism (Erika Lalíková) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Naturalistic Tendencies in Dennet's Philosophy of Consciousness (Katarína Sklutová) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 2. 9. 2021.
Moral Facts in Neoaristotelian Ethical Naturalism (Michal Chabada) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 3. 9. 2021.
Naturalised Ethics: From Description to Normativity (Petra Chudárková) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 3. 9. 2021.
Normative Dimension of Naturalistic Epistemology (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 3. 9. 2021.
Aristotle's Naturalistic Measure of Ethical Values (Roman Hloch) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 3. 9. 2021.
Philosophy, Apriori Knowledge and Naturalism (Radim Bělohrad) - presentation to talk given at the project conference Naturalistic Image of the World: Challenges and Limits on 3. 9. 2021.
What Does "gender" Refers to in Feminist Philosophy (Mariana Szapuová) - presentation to talk given at project workshop On Human/Women Nature, Naturalistic and Constructivist Approaches on 8. 12. 2020.
Critique of the Social Construction of Gender (Petr Dvořák) - presentation to talk given at project workshop On Human/Women Nature, Naturalistic and Constructivist Approaches on 8. 12. 2020.
Limits of Slovak Philosophy During Interwar Period (Erika Lalíková) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Naturalism as a "Second Philosophy" (Róber Maco) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Moral Naturalism (Adam Greif) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Can Reliable Cognitive Capactities Develop Without Supranatural Being? (Andrea Fábiková) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Problems of Normativity In Quine's Naturalized Epistemology (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Natural and Unnatural: Nature and|as (a) Norm (Michal Chabada) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Encounters of Feminism And Naturalism: Epistemological Strategies (Mariana Szapuová) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Pragmatism and Naturalism (Emil Višňovský) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Identity as a Nature? (Ivan Buraj) - presentation to talk given at VI slovak congress of philosophy "Think Differently - Thinking Otherwise", which took place on 21. - 23. 10. 2020.
Versions of Naturalism in Epistemology (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation to talk given on 17.9. 2020 at project workshop Naturalism Between Epistemology and Ethics.
Naturalized Epistemology of Vices (Filip Tvrdý) - presentation to talk given on 17.9. 2020 at project workshop Naturalism Between Epistemology and Ethics.
Naturalism in Moral Epistemology (Petra Chudárková) - presentation to talk given on 17.9. 2020 at project workshop Naturalism Between Epistemology and Ethics.
Naturalistic Image of the World in the Works of Rudo Sloboda (Erika Lalíková) - presentation of ongoing research (work-in-progress).
Concept of (Human) Nature in Analytic Metaphysics (Petr Dvořák) - presentation to talk given on 6.11. 2019 at project workshop (Neo)aristotelian naturalism: figures and aspects.
Ph. Foot on Human Nature Within the Context of Aristotelian Naturalism (Michal Chabada) - presentation to talk given on 6. 11. 2019 at project workshop (Neo)aristotelian naturalism: figures and aspects.
Mcintyre on Human Nature Within the Context of His Aristotelian Ethics (Marian Kuna) - presentation to talk given on 6. 11. 2019 at project workshop (Neo)aristotelian naturalism: figures and aspects.
What Naturalism (Actually) Is? (Róbert Maco) - presentation to talk given on 21.10. 2019 at theoretical-methodological seminar of the Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy.
Human Nature, Education and Gender: J.J. Rousseau and D. Hume (Mariana Szapuová) - presentation to talk given on 11.10. 2019 at the conference Filozofia, vzdelanie, kultúra vo výzvach súčasnosti.
Duns Scotus on Moral Virtues (Michal Chabada) - presentation to talk given on 10.10. 2019 at the conference Filozofia, vzdelanie, kultúra vo výzvach súčasnosti.
„Life“ of Philosophy in Breakthrough Periods (Erika Lalíková) - presentation to talk given on 9.10. 2019 at the conference Filozofia, vzdelanie, kultúra vo výzvach súčasnosti.
Virtue Epistemology and the Value of Knolwedge (Martin Nuhlíček) - presentation to talk given on 26.9. 2019 at the conference Olomoucké filozofické dny.
Rorty on Naturalism (Emil Višňovský) - presentation to talk given on 13.9.2019 at the Philosophy, Poetry, and Utopian Politics: The Relevance of Richard Rorty conference.